Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What happens in the Toys R Us bathroom...

...should be cleaned out of your purse as quickly as possible when you return to civilization. The last time we were at toys r us looked like something out of a slap stick comedy routine. Imagine me with three kids, a GIANT cart with a strap that barely clicks shut, and no diaper bag because I thought we weren't going to be long. I've got one child who is a runner and afraid of toilets, another who is going with the flow in very literal ways, and the other who is obsessed with washing her hands. Miss hand washer was successfully attempting to climb from the cart, while the oldest was fearfully keeping her from the potties even though she was actually moving past that to get to the sinks. Not to mention the one really needed my attention. None of them understand the concept of privacy. Thank God no one came in to witness the scene that was me trying to clean up the poor kiddo while keeping the others safe and feeling completely unequipped. I had no plastic bags even so I did what any resourceful desperate mother would do, I stuffed everything I could into my pockets and put the dirty pants in my purse :\  Did I mention that I only just recently started trying to carry a purse instead of or with a diaper bag again?  I might need to put that off a bit longer...

This is very hard for me to admit people: I can't be every where at once.  Really, it's true (hanging my head in shame)-  I have to utilize the ability to contain these babies when needed. Something has to be better than trying to cram a full sized shopping cart into the large stall in the bathroom.  And something has to contain the others not in crisis better than that ridiculous cart.  Who designs those anyway? They've finally started making them with straps that have a double locking action so I'm sure there's hope for the next in line who have to use them ;)

The logistics of more than one kid- let alone three- are obviously a bit interesting.  I thought I was a pro when our second son was born.  I had it all figured out.  Things like unloading them at the house, well that was cake for me.  Although I'm a scatterbrained hyperactive type, I'm able to harness aspects of that and organize my efforts in such a way that some events just flow :)  And then there are times when it doesn't flow at all. Now, I'm not just unloading a toddler and an infant into a house- this is a whole new level of multitasking and planning.

As frustrating as some of this is, I know where there's a will, there's a way to success.  My oldest is already potty trained but the younger two are seeming ready at almost the same time. Here's some parts that are coming together on my much needed plan for potty training success:

  • I have a potty seat in the car. 
  • I also have a large bag of emergency type items: extra clothes etc.  
  • I hadn't been bringing much into stores with us lately because it hadn't been relevant.  Time to revisit that! So a "go in' diaper/purse type bag is going to need to expand to carry extra clothes, and for the love of it plastic bags!  
  • I hadn't been using my stroller much because the kids tend to fight being in it (everyone wants to walk these days!) but that's going to have to be rearranged somehow.  
  • I need my rewards system to be able to follow me- I know that being proactive in other aspects of parenting is very effective and I'm sure this is no different.  
  • Postits in my bag to cover the automatic flushers
  • Hand sanitizer 

Wish me luck!  I'm willing to take tips from anyone and any advice on the next phase would be awesome!  We've recently entered the waiting-until-we-are-no-longer-at-the-potty-to-go phase with the oldest.  I'm thinking I might also just plan to be spending a LOT of time in bathrooms.  It seems like as soon as we move on and are out, another will need to go back out again.

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